Firewood & Wood Bricks

Firewood & Wood Bricks

Wood Bricks - Heat Value (BTUs)..........8,000 - 8,600

BioBricks have a uniform rectangular shape which makes it easier to tightly pack a stove with the greatest amount of bricks. Because these "BioBricks" can be tightly packed, the fire burns longer and more uniform. A ton of BioBricks, when burned, will give as much heat as a cord of seasoned firewood. BioBricks are free of the dust, dirt, bugs, vermin, and the mess that is commonly associated with burning cordwood. View our local delivery area.

4 found, showing page 1 of 1
Item Description Available Price UM Mfg Part #
PickupOnlyIcon Fiber Fuel - Wood Brick (bag) FF12 Fiber Fuel - Wood Brick (bag) 750 5.05 / EA
Fiber Fuel - Wood Brick (ton) FF12T Fiber Fuel - Wood Brick (ton) . 424.20 / EA
Firewood - Bundle FWB Firewood - Bundle 369 7.49 / EA
Stump Chunk Fire Starter (med) SCFS Stump Chunk Fire Starter (med) 29 11.99 / EA SC3